Home of the Inkers

Home of the Inkers

Monday 27 October 2014

Over and done with - Up and Running!

Ok, after that very long and rather depressing speech some many weeks ago. I think it's good to tell everyone I'm alive, I have survived. It turns out I only really hate one module in Uni, but that's not going (and hasn't) stopped me from writing. Want to check out my future works? They're all on figment.com! Have a nice day!

Monday 7 July 2014

Web Blog Vs Mobile Blog

This post has nothing to do with my story update. So I was talking to a friend about my blog and what she thought of it. Her reply about the Blogs feature was that it seemed a tad too dark on her phone. And so I decided to view MessyInk on my phone and Ahah! The format is completely different! The picture is gone and the writing slightly blends in with the darkness. If it's like this on your phone too, I do apologise. However, if you scroll down to the bottom of the website on your phone, it says 'View Web Version', click on that if you would like to see it how I normally view my blog.
This is how my blog is meant to look. If it isn't like this it's because you are viewing it on your mobile.

Super Duper tired

Why am I writing at this time when I should be counting sheep you may ask. I just wanted to give an update on the status of my book. Fellow readers 'The Ice Queen's Daughter', will be updated in a few days time.  As mentioned before, the story will be on Figment which I will provide the link to. So Look forward to it!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Did I say 5 days? 0-0

Did I say I will be updating in 5 days? I meant I will be updating my first chapter or more like a 'Prologue' now. You can check it out on Figment under the book title, 'The Ice Queen's Daughter', and my username 'Blu_core'. Yup, I know- the name's cheesy, but three years ago  I thought it was pretty cool, so I decided to stick to it, after all what's better than consistency?
Here's the link:

Anyway here's an excerpt of my prologue, tell me what you think guys:

--------------------------------------Copyright Abida Choudhury-------------------------------------------------------


The first thing I awaken to is ice. Ice for the hundredth time. Smooth, frosted and clear blue ice. It’s two inches above my body; it’s nestled underneath me and surrounds me like a cocoon. It’s been like this for as long as I can remember. I can’t move much, and the only little movements I make are the constant fluttering of my eyelids and the movement of my mouth as it breathes out little clouds and presses onto the pane of ice. But I’m not afraid. I’m not scared, because I know that person will come again like he came before, the hundred times before. He would come with a small hammer and knock gently at the ice, careful as to not hurt me. I can tell there’s a small opening in the ice; I can feel the draught linger on my cupped hands. And I wait, for that man to return. I close my eyes and he arrives. The foggy figure of a tall man takes slow steps towards me.  I can hear him muttering,
He positions his hammer and knocks gently at the ice and then increases the tempo. I gasp in delight; the hammer has made the biggest improvement now than it did the past 100 moments. The ice begins to shatter creating a kaleidoscope of colours. With every crack my breathing quickens and my chest heaves. I flutter my eyelids at the man in desperation, urging him to hurry. I want to get out; I want to get out right now. With one final tap the ice breaks. I close my eyes tight in haste as the shards drop with great force onto my body, I yelp as it grazes me a thousand times over. The man rushes to me, lifting my limp body. He raises me into a sitting position as I cough heavily releasing clumps of ice. He tilts my head and I watch his face, but it’s hopeless; the man is as blurry as I’ve always saw him, even blurrier still. But I know he’s smiling, I can hear it in his sigh. I hear little fragments of his voice before I drift to sleep.
--------------------------------------Copyright Abida Choudhury-------------------------------------------------------

Well, here it is. What do you think of it so far? I will be posting more chapters too with links that will redirect you to my Figment page with my story attached. Why such a long method? Well it's not really long, my story is easily accessible for you on my Figment page, and this way is easier for me also. Look forward to the next release!

Home of the Inkers

You see that faded white writing below my blog title? 'Home of the Inkers', my neologism. I am an Inker, kinda like a tinker except with creating stories rather than creating trinkets and doodats. 

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Yes people, keep your eyes peeled because very soon I will be posting up a bunch of stories, and you will have to comment! Just kidding, but comments would be nice and encouraging, nothing too mean please, just useful improvement suggestions or compliments would be very helpful. 


All my stories that I will post will be incomplete- hey I'm no super computer/ genius- it does take time to write, edit and craft, I'm sure you all know. 
And so I will be posting 2 or 3 different stories and you will get to vote via comment which story you would like to be continued. 

My work will be dark fantasy and teenaged oriented. So typically the target audience are teenagers, but heck I read YA books and I'm 20 now, I used to read classic Victorian books when I was in high school, and Goosebumps in Primary. I think my years are going the opposite way, so whose judging?

Very soon I will be introducing my beta reader and editor, if I take it that she likes my stories. I'm quite scared about this, very very nervous. 

Anyway MOVING ON. In 5 days time I will post 1-2 chapters of my first story. Keep an eye out. Oooh I'm looking forward to this!

Friday 4 July 2014

Birth of a new possible Author - If things go right.

Hi I'm Abida Choudhury, a current University Student. I just had my birthday yesterday and the surprising thing was not the gifts, because I haven't received a birthday gift since I was 8 (Which was a slice of pizza by the way- which I had to share, yup... I remember). It was - I can't believe I'm 20!!!!! Where has my teenage years gone? My gosh, no seriously??? Maybe It's gone with my header picture above... It's gorgeous isn't it? Teehee, can you believe I took that picture years ago when I had my old Sony Ericsson brick phone? I was a high schooler then.

I probably mentioned I'm a Uni student to you nosy people out there reading my blog BECAUSE -wait for it- I want to be a writer!!! Yes, I am studying Creative Writing and English Literature. I ain't paying my tuition fees for nothing mate- being a poor person that I am, I need to BE something, something that I want to be.
Bragging rights
That's right, I want to be an AUTHOR, been writing the longest stories since I was 8, I remember everyone in year 3 would gasp when they heard a kid wrote 1 page worth of writing. I used to write 4 pages in year 3 BAM! Sadly however, no one recognised me, not even the teachers who made us work hard but gave a rats arse about how much or what we wrote, so much for Quantity vs Quality eh? So here I am- for people to recognise me. I have no talents to brag about, never been on a gifted or talented list in school. I was just a quiet girl hoping for good change. But you don't need talents to be be imaginative or creative do ya?